Sorry, maybe my phrasing was misleading. Obviously I read the error and understood what Permission Denied means but having checked that my account was admin and this being the first module I have ever installed I was not sure what to do to get access.

Rather that writing "Does that make any sense", I should of wrote "How do I get round this".

On 24 Aug 2006, at 17:03, David Cantrell wrote:

On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 05:00:56PM +0100, Mois?s Chicharro wrote:

However, when trying to run 'install DBI', it piled a whole load of
stuff into the terminal window which ended with this below ( the NOT
OK bit is worrying me )...

----------- done
  /usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
Manifying blib/man1/dbiproxy.1
Warning: You do not have permissions to install into /usr/local/man/
man1 at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/ExtUtils/ line 114.
mkdir /usr/local/man/man3: Permission denied at /System/Library/Perl/
5.8.6/ExtUtils/ line 112
make: *** [pure_site_install] Error 255
  /usr/bin/make install  -- NOT OK

Does that make sense to any of you guys?

Yes, and it would make sense to you too if you bothered reading it.
Which part of "Warning: You do not have permissions to install into
/usr/local/man/" is so difficult to understand?

Run the CPAN shell as root as all will be well.

David Cantrell | Benevolent Dictator Of The World

On the bright side, if sendmail is tied up routing spam and pointless
  uknot posts, it's not waving its arse around saying "root me!"
      -- Peter Corlett, in uknot

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