At 08:53 -0500 1/10/07, Jay Savage wrote:
>As I said before, you have two options here. Since reinstalling all
>your Finked software manually probably isn't appealing, what you need
>to do is use your .xinitrc file to setup the fink environment in X.
>Either setup your PATH and PERL5LIB manually in .xinitrc (it works
>just like any other rc file) or source /sw/bin/

Another option on a Mac is to define $PERL5LIB at the time of login to the OS 

That is done with an XML file $HOME/.MacOSX/environment.plist where you can set 
environment variables that are set up for all applications you activate. Apple 
has a note on it that CAN be found on apple,com.

A well behaved rc file will NOT remove things previously defined but 
/etc/cshrc, the global startup file, can and will overwrite any $PATH you set 
in environment.plist.

-->  The greenhouse effect due to water vapor has never been fully modeled and 
weather forecasting remains irreducibly complex. It is clear that global 
warming is the act of an Intelligent Designer. <--

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