If you are so inclined, check out this prerelease.

* Check any bugs you've noticed.

* No updated docs yet, .t files not yet added back in.

* Get back to me either via bug reports or macperl-porters.

* Thomas: Shuck graphic not updated for new version #.

* AmphetaDesk users: please try to use this, and try to duplicate the
previous crashing bug.

* I still have small patches remaining left to apply from Thomas (small POD
things), and a few bugs to look at.  This is most of the big stuff: GUSI
bugs, problems with Shuck/MacPerl Help in Jaguar, and lots of little
previously fixed bugs.

* Sorry, no changelog yet, I just wanted to get this out ASAP, and haven't
yet commmitted stuff to perforce, which is where I generate the log.  It's
all on CVS, though.

I hope to get 5.6.1r2 out in a week or so, if all goes well here.

And perhaps then on to -- dare we dream -- 5.8.0!  :)

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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