Thanks for the thought and no actually I hadn't set it to low, but  
I'll check on lowering it and take the auto mode off. The only reason  
I did not lower it to zero is if I needed to show something to my wife  
or there was an issue I wanted her to see or of course if she needed  
my phone, she wouldn't be able to see it. :) I imagine I could lower  
it just so it was useable, but conserving a little juice at the same  

On Oct 25, 2009, at 7:21 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi Scott.
> Have you set the brighness to 0? That helped a lot on my phone.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> Den Oct 25, 2009 kl. 11:58 AM skrev Scott Howell:
>> Folks,
>> I have had my iPhone for about two weeks now and I'm enjoying all the
>> benefits a great deal.  I however am a little concerned about the
>> battery life, which going into this I knew was not going to be quite
>> as good as what I had been experiencing with my Motorola Q9 running
>> MobileSpeak. I also realize there are a number of factors, which will
>> impact battery performance and I have gotten a little feedback from
>> someone, but I'd like to try to get a bit more. I imagine it is
>> possible there is an issue with my phone, but perhaps not and I think
>> it is worth checking this entire issue out.
>> Here is a little about my usage, area I use the phone in, etc. that
>> may help explain my observations.
>> 1. I have WI-FI off, 3G on, Data Roaming off, and Location Services
>> on.
>> 2. I generally turn my phone on about 3:00 a.m.
>> 3. I listen to podcast or some streaming content for about half an
>> hour to 45 minutes in the morning.
>> 4. Maybe a couple of calls lasting less than 10 minutes during the  
>> day
>> and I do mean just a couple.
>> 5. I will check e-mail for about 15 to 20 minutes on my ride home
>> (it's hard to type on a bouncing bus) :).
>> 6. I get home about 5:00 p.m. and my battery is down to 30 to 40
>> percent.
>> On my motorola Q I of course only use it for voice communications
>> because I just did not like using MSS for surfing etc. Saying this I
>> realize the iPhone does a lot more in data transactions, so I
>> anticipate needing to charge more frequently than the Motorola and I
>> understand VOiceOver will certainly have an impact on battery life,
>> but perhaps more than it should and I suspect this will only improve.
>> Now my friend who also has an iPhone, but does not use VoiceOver can
>> get a couple of days and his primary use is surfing the web and he
>> probably does this for a couple of hours during the day.
>> I also know one person who responded to me who got several days, but
>> the usage was light in her particular situation.
>> So, with all this said, I'd like to get some idea of what folks are
>> getting out of their phones in terms of battery performance.  If I
>> turn off 3G and VO during the times I'm in the office and not needing
>> either, I am sure I'd be ahead, but what is clear to me is if I had  
>> to
>> carry the phone all day and I'm talking for 16 to 18 hours, I know it
>> would not be possible and the phone would require a charge. Of course
>> having to turn this and that off just doesn't make sense and it is
>> obvious to me these phones are capable of performing quite well with
>> the battery they have, but of course any screen reader will have some
>> impact. My greatest concern is partly do to the fact I'm looking  
>> for a
>> good navigation solution I can use around town or when I have to go  
>> to
>> meetings when I'm in DC.
>> Any feedback/thoughts would be appreciated and feel free to send them
>> directly if you prefer. I can't seem to get subscribed to the iPhone
>> list, so hope you all don't mind me posting this here.
>> THanks
> >

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