Good to know. My parents just got fooled. They say that there was some popup that said their flash was out of date and to download an updater. Well, they went ahead and did that but it wasn't the real Flash updater. So now every time they click a link it opens a new browser tab to some other malware download stuff, pops up giant ads and other annoyances. This included the obligatory "call this number for help" which they did but at least they stopped before actually handing over their credit card number. The tipoff to them was that the 'tech support company' wasn't actually Apple. I think they had wanted $150 to 'fix' their machine.

From what I read, under the hood the malware actually uses some unix tricks to attach itself to the browsers process (Safari, Chrome or Firefox) and intercept all the requests so they can modify the links on the fly. Pretty sneaky. From this Apple article it sounds like you can sometimes wipe it out just by doing a major OS upgrade:

They were on OSX 10.8 so I had them start downloading/installing 10.10 last night and it was still going earlier today. If that doesn't work I'll run through the steps here to try and kill of the badness:

They apparently got MacKeeper installed which is not a good thing. I found this recent article talking about how Malware does it's thing on OSX and that we're going to find more of it migrating from Windows:’t-safe-anymore-the-crapware-malware-epidemic-has-begun/

I'll keep in mind if my other attempts fail. Thanks for the timely info.


On 4/23/15 6:54 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
I want you all to know about something I just experienced.
I was on Twitter within Safari and a “critical service warning” popped up, informing me that a malicious virus had been detected and had attacked my system, and that “we have shut down all of your critical systems to protect any further damage.” The warning went on to give this number:
888 553-4193
and directed me to give a number starting with Mac and ending with several digits.
My BS detector was on full alert.
I called Apple and told them what was going on. I was informed that this occurs several times a day at least, and that it usually involves adware. When a screen sharing session link was sent, Safari could not find the server, nor could Google Chrome. I was then told to open the MacBook in safe mode, and I thought I could use VoiceOver in safe mode, but it would not come on, and command F5 would not bring it up. The tech support rep handed me over to someone who had more VoiceOver experience. He had me shut down and restart normally, then sent me the ability to screen share by using my apple ID, which made the screen sharing like an application, which enabled me to go to <>, download adware medic, and run it. This problem appears to be resolved, but I wanted you all to be aware of this incident, as well as to inquire: Isn’t there a way to use VoiceOver in safe mode? Thank you . . . and be careful out there. I was told people have been known to give their credit card numbers to these people thinking they are getting their computers fixed.

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