Hi Mary,

Try this web site for Russian language texts:
I've pointed you to Chekhov's short story, "Lady with a Lapdog". I haven't tried searching, but I imagine it would be possible to find Russian texts -- just not current titles, yet!. It will be something to practice using your language rotor on.



On Jun 21, 2010, at 14:42, Mary Otten wrote:

Hi Esther,
Well, I do feel stupid. I saw all the languages and the reorder buttons, and for some reason, it never occurred to me that I had to double tap to select the language, so convinced was I that the buttons held the key to the problem, as in, double tap and hold and them maybe something could be deleted. the Russian voice is pretty decent, better than I thought it would be, as is the Mexico Spanish voice. Pretty darned cool! I wonder if Ibooks will have foreign language texts eventually; I suspect I'll wait a long time for anything in Russian, though. <smile>


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