In data Sabato 18 Febbraio 2012 2.47.35, John Panarese <> ha scritto:
    I have no idea what this means.  OS 10.8 is not out yet, and what are you 
basing your speculation on that there will be no improvements to VoiceOver.
I am not speculating. I have that beta installed on my MBPro and, while I am writing this message on my windows machine, it is running on my laptop.
   Also, for me, Braille support works just fine, and the "busy" signals that 
occasionally appear in Safari are manageable and tolerable.
Braille, right now, is just a mirror of the voice Output. And this is insufficient. My braille display costs 5000€ and I want to be able to do more with it than reading in braille that Alex or Silvia Says. I want to be able to define my own braille tables, if I need. Or, for GUI controls, in exampe, in italian if I encounter a checked Check box, what VO outputs on my 40 cells braille display is "selezionato casella di spunta" or, if the checkbox is unchecked, "non selezionato casella di spunta". It is more than 30 characters, on a 40 characters display. And there is no way to customize that thing. And this problem is there since braille support has been implemented. And since then, many users and I are requesting a solution. And since then, we all are receiving the usual mail from Apple... They know the problem, they are investigating it (what an hard and difficult investigation!) and they are working to solve the

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