Hello Caitlyn et al, 

I read your message very carefully.  

Currently, I have several G Mail iMap accounts that I access with Apple
Mail.  I have no problems at all in deleting messages from any of them; I
have re-installed Lion several times since its release without having ever
experienced the problem you and others are currently reporting.  

When I wish to delete a message from either a conversation or the delete the
entire thread, in Standard view, I simply press the BackSpace key on the

Now, before exiting Mail, I use the key combo Command+Shift+Backspace in
order to empty the messages currently marked for deletion.  I answer yes, in
the confirmation Dialog box and they are permanently deleted.  

Now you may be saying, "Yes, Mark, I do this as well yet it does not work."
To which I will reply,  I understand.  

The problem is that there is a setting that must be configured from within
your G Mail account, itself, on the web to enable the client to have access
in order to permanently delete the mail.

It's been a while since I set this up but, go to your G Mail web account.
Somewhere in the Options, you will see something that reads like "Delete
Messages Immediately".  This will be unchecked.  You must place a checkmark
in this option.  Then, if all goes well and "the water don't rise," as the
saying goes (smile) you should be in business.

While you're in that area of your G Mail account, review all of the message
options in case I am, most likely, forgetting something else.  

One more thing, I have my G Mail account setup so that, when using either
Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook, I can quickly and easily undelete any
message marked for deletion (before the purge), by using key-combo Command+Z
on the Mac or Control+Z in Windows 7.  If you would like to know how to
configure this for your G Mail account, check out episode 70 of the Candle
Shore podcast.

Good Luck,


-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Caitlyn Furness
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:08 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Cc: Caitlyn Furness
Subject: mail weirdness


I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.

After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput my
mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting my
messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same messages
are back again!

In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting mail,
and to not leave things on the server.

What am I doing wrong?

Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!


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