Hello Listers,

Here is my conundrum: I have limited space on my macbook air, and since I’m 
becoming increasingly more confident with the mac and iPhone, my iTunes library 
is filling up very fast indeed. The most space is now taken up with movies. I 
therefore thought I might possibly create a separate library in iTunes for 
movies only that i would put on an external drive attached to my airport 
extreme. This would free my macbook air considerably and yet leave all my other 
stuff like music and playlists on my portable computer.

I’ve searched on the internet and have found a method. I’ve also searched 
macvisionarries archive and have seen Donna’s post and the advice given to her 
about unchecking the “add media to library” option in the advanced options of 
the preferences in iTunes. However, I guess it would also stop adding other 
stuff I buy via the iTunes store to the computer library which I might want on 
my macbook air, or else, if it wouldn’t stop adding purchases to the computer 
library, it would prevent me from buying movies from the iTunes store because 
they would then be added to my macbook air library and not the movie library on 
the external drive, wouldn’t it/ Is my reasoning correct?

A web search has come up with a method to do so but it requires dragging and 
dropping files while holding the option key. It seems rather dangerous to me 
because I’m not sure whether there is an equivalent Voiceover command to 
option+drag motion. The description of creating this separate library is also 
somewhat murky to me. It suggests, exporting the movie and tv content first, 
creating a folder on the desktop and then dragging the titles of the movies and 
tv shows into that folder so that the actual content would be copied into the 
desktop folder and not just the links, then creating a new library and placing 
it on an external drive, then dragging the content of the desktop folder while 
holding the option key into the new library and presto, says the author. But 
it’s not presto for me, I’m afraid. 

Can any of you gurus understand this method? Is there a different way of 
separating my library into two libraries so that I can reduce its size on my 
macbook air? I’m somewhat reluctant to relocate the whole of the iTunes library 
onto an external drive but maybe that’s the easiest and safest way to achieve 
my goal. Please feel free to write off list because it’s kind semi-related 
although might come in handy to others too. I can see my iTunes library growing 
and growing, and it makes me shiver but then there’s the pleasure of having the 
media available through iTunes.

Please let me have your thoughts on this.

With thanks


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