> On Thursday 17 April 2008 12:33:26 Marius Vollmer wrote:
>> I am sure you notice the conflict here: whatever list you come up with
>> will be unsuitable for someone.  You want strict policy enforcement,
>> based on community 'feelings'.  How can that work?
> I am strongly against strict enforcement.  All that strict enforcement
> will achieve is (i) packages won't be put in extras, or (ii) packages will
> be put into an inappropriate category.  Both these cures are much worse
> than the current category problem.

I'm all for the gentle help instead of enforce and scare away. We have to
keep in mind that most developers want their packages in the hand of
users. I hope that the current situation is caused by not knowing what is
'right' and not their evil plan to mess up the repositories.

> If a package in extras has a category that is not on this list it should
> be reported as a packaging bug to the maintainer of the package.  They
> should (eventually) either fix it or edit the Wiki page.

I think this is what we can use the policy for. We can always create a
newer version if there are changes. Perhaps the only thing we need to
enforce is that there is a known email address from the maintainer of a
package. Again, I think most would be willing to fix any problems.

Another problem is that developers now only have top-level categories to
use, so the really don't have any options. If we can do grouping or sub
categories, their problem would be solved.

> The tools to upload packages and to promote packages from extras-devel to
>  extras should highlight if the category is not on the list (providing a
> link to the list, of course), but should still allow the user to go ahead
> if they insist.  Someone can even write a whole page on why category
> explosion is a bad thing if they like -- but don't prevent the upload.

Maybe we can add two modes, a strict one and a one that only warns the
developer. The uploader can pick which mode he/she likes?

> As part of this, I would also want Nokia to commit to the community that
> new software releases would include translations for all the package names
> in the Wiki page (at some data prior to the release, of course).  That
> would be an added incentive for package maintainers to use the list.

We can even make that a community project :) I'm sure we can arrange
something to translate these categories.

> I guess this proposal arises from my view that people would be willing to
> use standard categories if it was (a) made easy, and (b) reduced some
> pain.  But that there are many, many cases where a new category will be
> useful and we shouldn't be trying to fix the list.  I think we should be
> giving this a try -- if it is being abused we can then look at adding
> enforcement or override.


> Graham

- Niels

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