ext David Greaves <da...@dgreaves.com> writes:

> As the fiasco boots it mounts partition for /usr on /usr_old
> Checks /usr_old/version against /usr/version
> If there is a mismatch it tars up /usr/ and untars it to /usr_old
> Then remount /usr_old on /usr

Yeah, that _could_ work, technically, but I am afraid it is still a lot
more fragile than we can afford at this point.  Also, it will take a
looong time during the first boot and you can't really do anything in
parallel.  That's quite a high cost, and I don't think it is acceptable.
We are pretty paranoid about boot time here.

We could make this is an option, hiding it away somewhere in the Control
Panel, say.  Hitting the button would boot into a special mode and
migrate /usr to the eMMC.  But, again, too invasive to get this done
before Fremantle has to ship, I would say.

The beauty of modifiying packages in the Maemo Extras and elsewhere is
that we are not tied to the Fremantle release schedule.  If we screw up
with maemo-optify, we can quickly fix it.  In the worst case, we can
simply do nothing until we have something that works well enough.
Fixing the Fremantle OS ones it is out is very slow compared to
uploading a new version of a package to Maemo Extras.
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