ext Andrew Flegg <and...@bleb.org> writes:

> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 16:20, Marius Vollmer <marius.voll...@nokia.com> 
> wrote:
>> ext Andrew Flegg <and...@bleb.org> writes:
>>> Although a unionfs solution would be a bit more further dev on Nokia's
>>> part, it will reduce the developer complexity and gives us a real
>>> world solution now. [...]
>> Yes, agreed.  Let's give this unionfs thing a shot.  I was previously
>> arguing against it, but only as a long-term solution.  As a
>> Fremantle-only hack, it might be better than the /opt hack.
> Cool. I should also point out that when I say "a unionfs" solution, I
> mean "a union FS" solution; rather than advocating unionfs over aufs
> (for example). Thanks to Stskeeps/Carsten for picking me up on that.

Noted, thanks!
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