Depending upon device and it's features/quality...I could go either
"dedicated device" route or convergence all-in-one route.

Knock with "all-in-one" devices (like stereos) is you often get crap you
don't want and solution is watered down....valid points.

I thought at one time that my eensy-teensy T68i BT phone was ideal
"conduit" for my PDAs/tablets/etc. for connectivity purposes.

But you know what? I can't deal with a phone the size of a chiclet. I
have "piano" fingers and still can't reliably press those little buttons.

I recently purchased the "Freedom BT mini-keyboard"....big mistake.
Finger ergonomics and keycodes available are pathetic. Holding keyboard
dongle while also holding/balancing N800 will be a trick.

I'm willing to defer my last 2 points for next-gen least
there are workarounds. But fact that N800 won't reliably play most
videos...and at resolution of a big problem for me. Software
and hardware on device s/be in sync w/each other.

The nokia N80 phone supports upnp (as do other models I think)...but
given N800 support for video...I can't imagine N80 being any better.

Phone? PDA? All the same to me...I'm just looking for features.


Jonathan Matthews-Levine wrote:
> On 2/6/07, Mike Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> it at your corner store. Next year when Nokia releases
>> next model w/3G we can discuss further.
> Over my dead 770 ... :-)
>> just don't understand. There are two models which are equally
>> valid...each device to it's own and the convergence model. People want
>> both...not everybody wants to wear a "geek" jacket with pockets for
>> their iPod, phone and N800.
> You ... you've been SPYING on me?!?? ;-)
> I agree, though - there /are/ two models.  I think that Nokia's
> addressing the "convergence-luvvas" quite nicely with their (much much
> much more numerous) smart phone offerings.  The N800, however, is a
> deliberate step to the other end of the spectrum - single device,
> single purpose (where purpose=="Internet", not "www", "IM", or
> "VOIP".)
>> Why should I carry around 2 devices of roughly same form factor?!?
> You shouldn't.
> In my idealised PAN-filled future, your "phone" doesn't have the same
> form factor as today; it's merely a voice/audio conduit, attaching
> itself wirelessly to the "connectivity cube" that talks
> wifi/BT/3G/GPRS/etc and is the gateway router out of your PAN.
>> Why
>> should I deal with the BT-pairing/bonding crap involved with two
>> different devices?
> *More* than two ...
> ... but only once each :-)
>> Have you ever been jamming to tunes on your ipaq/pod
>> and a call came in? It is an often unelegant scramble to answer the
>> phone on your headset.
> Not personally, no.
> Maybe I need more friends ... :-(
>> Every high-end umpc or ppc form factor has cellular as option...larger
>> tablets...umpcs...and ppc devices like treo/etc.
>> You state: "I don't *want* convergence...I don't *want* a browser on my
>> phone"
>> But guess what? Many people DO want convergence...phones are getting
>> crammed with PIM/web features and screen sizes are shooting up....and
>> conversely pocket pcs/etc. are getting cellular capability.
> Cool - let them buy the N93 or other such devices. *I've* got the 770
> and N800 ... :-)
>> It's a computer...not a phone.
> Absolutely.  Why, therefore, should it have dedicated cellular phone
> hardware in it?
> Jonathan
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