On Apr 22, 2009, at 1:01 PM, Adam McGreggor wrote:

Just a quick query really (and possibly being slightly cheeky asking
here...), but have any of you guys backported Mailman 2.1.12 from the
Ubuntu Jaunty (or Debian 5) repos -> Ubuntu Hardy?

I can't seem to find anything with an internet search, and I'd rather
not repeat the efforts, if someone's already done it (as it's been quite
some time since I last backported something)

I have not. I'm not sure who's packaging Mailman for Ubuntu (I might be able to find someone to ask <wink>), but I could certainly see us providing PPAs for folks who want to run the latest and greatest. I don't have much packaging-fu but if someone wants to volunteer to do the heavily lifting, I'd be happy to twiddle the Launchpad bits.


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