On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 12:49:58PM -0800, Terri Oda wrote:
> 2. Old mailman "skin" for postorius
> Make mailman look like the 2.1 interface for people who really love
> the old system.   There's a few options that would be different, but
> the goal would be to make it pretty much look the same only with a few
> options changed, for people who are very change adverse.  We had
> intended for it to be *possible* to reskin Postorius, but I don't
> think too many people have done it, so this would be a test to see how
> doable that is and probably fix any underlying issues that make
> reskinning the interface hard. Honestly, we could also have a student
> do a brand new skin if we had someone who loved UI design, but I
> suspect replicating the old interface would be less work, and since
> this year's GSoC hours have been cut in half, i'd rather start with
> something easier.

Good call!

On this front: last time I checked, Postorius seemed to *require*, for
at least some features, that users browse with JavaScript enabled.

However, there exist good security reasons, and also good accessibility
reasons (depending on one's disability), to *not* browse the web with
JavaScript enabled.

So, if a GSOC student takes up your suggestion and makes a 2.1-like skin
for Postorius, please could you (or whoever ends up mentoring) work with
the student to try to ensure that the skin is *entirely* usable without
JavaScript.  Aaron Gustafson's "Adaptive Web Design" (1st ed) would
probably be a good starting point:

Thanks for reading this far.  And if I was mistaken (or out of date)
about Postorius requiring JavaScript, I would be very happy to stand

(Lest I seem to be complaining unduly, I should add that other than the
Postorius issue mentioned above, I think MailMan is pretty great on the
whole and I am grateful that it exists and continues to be


A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?

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