On Mon, Jan 4, 2021, at 12:49 PM, Terri Oda wrote:
> Happy new year everyone!

Happy new year to you too Terri!

> I'm starting to prep Python for GSoC 2021, and I wanted to issue the 
> usual invitation that we'd be happy to have Mailman as a sub-org if 
> anyone wants to do GSoC this year.  (Mailman's been fine as a separate 
> org, but I have to do the paperwork for Python anyhow so I figured I'd 
> offer if there's interest but no one wants to cover the admin side of 
> things.)

Thanks for the head start, I do want us to participate this year and am
planning to mentor atleast one student.

> Also, I have two mailman related ideas!
> 1. Seamless archive converter for 2.1 -> 3.*
> A friend was grousing that there was no "nice" way to retain old archive 
> urls without keeping a static copy of things, and it got me to thinking 
> that it would definitely be possible to build something that handled the 
> old urls and redirected or made them work seamlessly, but we didn't do 
> it because parsing the old archives basically requires you to scrape 
> them because otherwise we couldn't guarantee that the urls would be 
> stable from a re-parsed mbox.
> It's boring and finicky web scraping work to associate the old url and 
> do the right things to make it work seamlessly in hyperkitty, but 
> probably not too hard, so I was thinking that it might be suitable for a 
> GSoC student.

This sounds like a very nice idea! How are you thinking of associating 
the web URLs (basically, number of the page I guess?) to Email entries
in Hyperkitty since I don't see the web pages having Message-ID.

> 2. Old mailman "skin" for postorius
> Make mailman look like the 2.1 interface for people who really love the 
> old system.   There's a few options that would be different, but the 
> goal would be to make it pretty much look the same only with a few 
> options changed, for people who are very change adverse.  We had 
> intended for it to be *possible* to reskin Postorius, but I don't think 
> too many people have done it, so this would be a test to see how doable 
> that is and probably fix any underlying issues that make reskinning the 
> interface hard. Honestly, we could also have a student do a brand new 
> skin if we had someone who loved UI design, but I suspect replicating 
> the old interface would be less work, and since this year's GSoC hours 
> have been cut in half, i'd rather start with something easier.

Is this intended to be like a CSS refresh or like re-write the interface kind 
of project? I am thinking it might be more of the former than latter, which 
might be a much bigger project.

> I've been out of mailman dev for 3 years, so I'm probably not the ideal 
> mentor, but I'm up for helping on either of those if Mailman as a whole 
> is interested in doing the GSoC thing this year.

Another idea that I've been thinking is supporting User management in
Postorius. It would list all registered Users in Django & Core along with
their Addresses and perhaps Subscriptions. If time permits, allow doing
some actions on user's behalf like adding a new address, verifying a new
address, deleting the User and all their subscriptions etc. 

  Abhilash Raj (maxking)
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