Sorry for the delayed reply. I've been away.

On 08/18/2017 08:11 PM, Terry . wrote:
> But in recent months I’ve noticed that, as list owner, when I subscribe or 
> unsubscribe someone, instead of just receiving an email with the subject:
>     “<listname> subscription notification”
> or:
>     “<listname> unsubscribe notification”
> I receive an email with the subject:
>     “Bounce action notification”
> Which contains:
>     “This is a Mailman mailing list bounce action notice:
>         List:       Bro   [for example]
>         Member:   [for example]
>         Action:     Subscription bounce score incremented.
>         Reason:     Excessive or fatal bounces.
>     The triggering bounce notice is attached below.
>     Questions? Contact the Mailman site administrator at 
><>.”   [for example]
> And that email contains an ATTACHMENT which has the subject:
>   “<listname> subscription notification”
> or:
>   “<listname> unsubscribe notification”

This is very strange. What seems to be happening is the (un)subscription
notification is bouncing, causing a bounce notification to be sent to
the list owner, but a bounce notification should only be sent if the
original (bounced) message was to a list member, not the owner.

Also the bounce notification should also have an attached DSN with
details of why the (un)subscription notification bounced. What does that

> Notes:
> - This didn’t used to happen with these same lists, and I don’t know what’s 
> triggered the change in behaviour.
> - Even if I change the list “owner” address to another of my addresses, it 
> still happens.
> - I have admin_notify_mchanges set to “Yes”.
> - I don’t have any moderators set up.


> Questions:
> Q1. Is this a known issue?


> Q2. What’s the likely cause of this problem suddenly starting to happen?

Post the full raw bounce action notice with all headers and MIME parts
and I might be able to say more.

> Q3. What’s the likely solution?

See Q2

> Q4. Do you need any more info to troubleshoot the cause of this?  If so, 
> what, exactly?

See Q2

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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