On 01/30/2018 03:11 PM, Jordan Brown wrote:
There are those who would consider it a problem if your mailing list is (mis:-)configured to add "Reply-To: <list>" if there is no existing "Reply-To".

I don't see how the MLM's behavior (good / bad / indifferent) has anything to do with this being a problem. Specifically that the sample message has the Reply-To: set to the same value as the From:.

   From: Grant Taylor <redac...@example.net>
   To:  Mailman-Users <mailman-users@python.org>
   CC:  REDACTED <redac...@example.com>
   Reply-To: Grant Taylor <redac...@example.net>
   Subject:  Testing...

Replies will be routed to the author, where replies to other messages will be routed to the list.

I assume that you are referring to messages coming out of the MLM, in comparison to messages that went directly to CC recipients and where their replies would go. I.e. if REDACTED replies to the above message vs a mailing list subscriber replying to the message they received.

I personally would try to avoid the above scenario, particularly when a discussion mailing list is one of the recipients. Or I'd like configure the Reply-To: to reflect the mailing list. (Of course that has it's own complications and failure modes.)

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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