On 25 Aug 2015, at 13:25, Muster Hans wrote:

As far as I am aware the mail component of the $20 Apple OS Server product requires a fixed IP address, plus appropriate DNS entries of course.

For direct incoming delivery to mail addresses your own domain, yes: as it is with any SMTP server.

However, if you just want Server for the IMAP side of the mail service, i.e. somewhere to stash mail locally so you can remove it from dependence on an ISP's IMAP service, Server is happy to turn on its "Mail" service with nothing but a private IP (192.168.*, 10.* etc.) and never receive mail via SMTP. That's a bit wasteful of resources (i.e. you're running Postfix for no reason...) but it does give one a working Dovecot IMAP instance without having to read the copious Dovecot docs to figure out how much of it is entirely unneeded for a trivial deployment.

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