On 25 Aug 2015, at 19:26, Paul Hoffman wrote:

A big +1 for a new feature of right-click-on-mailbox -> "Export This Mailbox" with at least .mbox as one of the output formats. I'm fine if that is the only output format, but maildir would be useful as well.

In the latest test version I've included a bundle named “Export” which uses the `formail` trick described by Bill Cole to create an mbox file. It has a setting which can be used to specify a destination folder (see the “Command ▸ Export” menu). If the destination is the Desktop and you archive an email located in “Archive/2013” in an account named “My Account” then it would result in the email being appended to this file:

        ~/Desktop/My Account/Archive/2013.mbox

That is, if it works as expected. In theory, you could select all emails in an account and have them exported to mbox-files; one mbox file for each mailbox. (I don't know how this actually performs since I haven't tried.)

The bundle can be used as a starting point if you want to do something more advanced.

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