On 20 Sep 2016, at 15:58, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 20 Sep 2016, at 13:26, Tim wrote:

The previous version of MailMate had a function, where you could see the real url of a link in an email message when you hovered over it with the mouse, the url was displayed in the lower left corner, this seems to be gone now. Can i turn it on again somehow?

I haven't disabled or removed this. Are you sure it doesn't work? Note that it's not shown if the displayed text for the link is identical to the actual link.

(I sent a reply a couple of hours ago, but that mail hangs in moderation, because there were too many pictures in it, so here is just one smaller sized example picture, which shows that the “real” link url does not show up - it’s something like: http://email.louisck.com/t/y-l-foofoo - when i move the mouse cursor over it)

I guess i re-install MailMate, maybe the problem is getting fixed by that. Or can I delete some preferences in ~/Library (or somewhere else) to get the original state?


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