Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> Just mentioning the above as the powers of imap are varied but I think you'll
> find it beats any POP3 setup.

I'm trying to keep an open mind.  Just because I've done things one way for 25
years doesn't mean it's best (usually the opposite).

I tried IMAP a couple of years ago, and I just wasn't happy having to go onto
the server to get copies of emails I needed to look at again.  MailMate would
allow me to find it on my hard drive, but then why do I need a copy sitting up
on the server?  This is obviously a philosophical question about approach to

The need to access from more than one machine is a possibility in the future. 
Maybe I could try to keep only emails from the last month or year on the
server and within MailMate.  Older stuff that I still want I could offload to
my main computer.  Elsewhere on this list, people have discussed archiving
emails.  DevonThink, EagleFiler, and Foxtrot were mentioned.  I could look
into some sort of approach using one of those.

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