On 21 Feb 2018, at 15:38, John Cooper wrote:

The biggest adjustment is not to worry about emptying the IN mailbox but establish a set of smart mailboxes (and tags) to create a workflow similar to what you had before. Takes a bit effort but it is surely possible.

Smart mailboxes work equally well whether you keep your messages in a single mailbox or file them away as usual. I expect always to continue using a small range of IMAP mailboxes so I can easily find my most important messages when I use webmail, my phone, or someone else's computer: a mailbox for paperless tickets, for example.

I would suggest keeping the inbox(es) as clean as possible. I move all mailing list emails etc into mailboxes especially for this and then use smart mailboxes for more fine grained control. And as John writes, there is no good cross-platform solution for viewing smart mailboxes on your phone, etc. So for this I keep four mailboxes "DoNow", "Fix", "Reference", "ReadLater" and have a few shortcuts that quickly let me move messages to/from these mailboxes. This way I can easily find them on my phone etc. (My goal is to keep these as empty as possible).

= jem
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