On 20 Feb 2018, at 8:18, Robert M. Münch wrote:

So, what I would like to do is, that I can flag/mark/... a mail so that I will see it again automatically after a specific period if I didn't receive any answer.

Any ideas how I could do such work-flow with MM and maybe a bundle or script or whatever it takes?

Something like this might work:

First, introduce a tag for the sent emails, e.g., “AwaitingReply”. You can enable a Tags field in the Composer to make it easier to apply this.

Second, create a smart mailbox named AwaitingHelper matching emails which are:

1. Tagged `AwaitingReply`.
2. Message-ID “is not in” [INBOX] In-Reply-To
3. Has a date which is more than x days old.

You might want a different mailbox than “INBOX”. The smaller it is the better since “is not in” is not efficient. It must contain the replies you receive.

Third, create another mailbox, e.g. named “No Reply Received”, which matches emails with this condition:

        Thread-Id “is in” [AwaitingHelper] Thread-Id

The threads should then show up in the “No Reply Received” smart mailbox after x days. (I haven't tested this.)

(Note that some of the above works better and is a bit easier in the latest test release.)

Hmm, it would actually be better if `AwaitingReply` was cleared when you receive a reply. I'll leave that as an exercise ;-)

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