Florian Heidenreich wrote (at 2:23 on 31 Jan 2019):

I’m often keeping track of specific conversations by creating a link to a specific email in another program by dragging the email to this program.

This is meant as a general question, and not something for Florian alone to answer: would you describe a situation in which you use this kind of link?

As it happens, in thirty years of using email, I've never used this particular function, and I'm wondering about its possibilities.

There would seem to be certain limitations. For example, you wouldn't share this link with anyone else, because they wouldn't be able to resolve it. The target message would also have to be retained on the local system somewhere, right? Would the link continue to work even if the message is in the Trash folder?

Given that the links are effectively unsharable, the only use I can think of offhand would be in lists or databases. But MailMate's smart folders are so flexible that I can't think of why you wouldn't just set one up in MailMate that would work just as well as an external program. Thoughts?
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