n00b question: Where was r5923 announced and where do I get it from? :-) I only see 5918 on the downloads page.


On 26 Oct 2022, at 14:19, Simon Kaplan wrote:

Hi all

In today’s release (5923) Benny says

| New: On macOS 11+, the Mailbox menu includes a “Symbol” menu to make it easy to change the mailbox symbol used.
| This is very similar to how colors are handled.

Where can I find something that explains how colours are handled? This seems very useful/interesting but I can’t find anything in the manual or mailing list except discussion of the hidden preference (which presumably isn’t it, because if it’s a hidden preference there wouldn’t be a menu option - or so I’m assuming).

Any advice/pointers would be much appreciated

Simon Kaplan
+61 411 511 122

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