I've been using this "Styles.plist" based method to have my emails colored (based on conditions I choose in specially crafted smart mailboxes) for years, and it works great. I briefly played with the contextual menu based mailbox colors, but not the "Use Color in Message list" option, as I suspect that would interfere with my Styles.plist settings.

The procedure is described by Benny in this MM ticket: https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672-mailmate/tickets/204, starting with Benny's message dated February 2nd, 2017.


On 30 Oct 2022, at 10:42, Edward Thome wrote:

On 30 Oct 2022, at 8:51, aisrael wrote:

Regarding “Use Colour in Message List”, I see a different behavior (I use v5898) : when I right-click on a maibox name (whether real or smart), “Use Colour in Message List” is grayed. I remember once I was able to change the color (can’t remember how), but the only change was the color of the mailbox icon, all the messages remained black (or white, depending…). I would love to be able to change the color of the mails in the Message list of any given mailbox. How can I do that?

“Use Colour in Message List” is grayed for me as well. I can still get some kind of colorization to work through using both the Hidden Preference command in Terminal:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmMessageColorsEnabled -bool YES

and through a file named “Styles.plist” located in ~/Library/Application\ Support/MailMate/

I don’t know if it is standard issue when MailMate starts up the first time, or if I was playing around with things that I saw in the *Hidden Preferences* portion of the MailMate Help. [When I ?need? to procrastinate, I am a tinkerer.] What mine had in it is:
- - -
    {   styles = (
        {   type = keyword;
                keyword = '\\Flagged';
                color = "#00FF00";
                fontStyle = "bold";
        {   type = mailbox;
                color = "#00FFFF";
                uuid = 'INBOX';
                fontStyle = "italic"; // boldAndItalic can also be used
        {   /*disabled = ":true";*/
                type = filter;
                color = "#FF0000";
                uuid = '0249F96D-9B86-452A-B34A-83D83B0125FE';
- - -
I just changed the first two blocks to:
- - -
    {   type = keyword;
                keyword = '\\Flagged';
                color = “systemRedcolor”;
                fontStyle = "bold";
    {   type = mailbox;
                color = "systemBlueColor";
                uuid = 'INBOX';
                fontStyle = "italic"; // boldAndItalic can also be used
- - -
and added
- - -
    {   type = mailbox;
                color = "systemGreenColor";
                uuid = ‘ARCHIVE;
                fontStyle = “regular”;
- - -
and the message listings in the Inbox are now all blue italic (upon restart of MailMate), and the message listing of all flagged messages (besides having the flag) are in bold red. The message listing of all archived messages are in green, regular font. At first I wondered why I would do that, but now I see why. If I look in a smart mailbox, I can see by a glance the color of the message listing that some are still in the Inbox and some are flagged and some have been archived.

I think that I will take the ‘italic’ off, because the mailbox now looks to alarming, which means that I’ll have to procrastinate, and start tinkering…and then maybe disable something about MailMate that I need. ;-)

All the best,

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