On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 8:39 AM, Steve Atkins <st...@blighty.com> wrote:

> There are a lot of small businesses that use yahoo, aol, gmail email
> addresses as their primary contact and as part of their branding and have
> done so for years. It's on their business cards, on their stationary and on
> their vehicles. Some have mailing lists and those that don't are potential
> customers for Constant Contact or MailChimp.
> Upselling them to their own domain would likely be more disruption to
> their business practices as you changing everything from hireahit.com to
> purpleaardvark.com, and that's likely more work for them than the
> benefit. And from the ESP point of view - do you really want to be
> supporting a crappy webmail system at a loss?

YES, this, exactly what Steve said.  ^^^^
This is a large problem for ESPs that cater to small/micro
businesses.   I'll admit there are a good portion of our customers using
freewebmail domains that would benefit from an upsell and purchase their
own domain if we offered it through a partnership,   but for everyone of
those theres the local PTA and the Brownie troop, or soccer club.  The
person setting up a mailling list isn't given an address at the brownies
domain or the local schools domain.  So there really are a LOT of folks
sending from @freewebmail domains still.

Tara Natanson
Constant Contact
mailop mailing list

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