On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:07:44AM -0700, Jay Hennigan wrote:
> CAPTCHA could potentially fix it, but that is sure to raise
> objections as being too inconvenient for list operators playing the
> numbers game.

Captchas are also not a valid anti-abuse mechanism: they have been quite
thoroughly beaten and are only used today by those who have failed to
pay attention to adversarial progress over the last 10-15 years.

Resources are either targets for abuse or they're not; adversaries are
either competent and well-resourced or they're not.  In the case where
resources *are* targets and adversaries *are* competent/well-resourced,
they will defeat captcha mechanisms at will using either automated,
manual, or hyrid techniques.  In the other three cases, captchas aren't
necessary, either because the resource isn't being targeted, or adversaries
aren't capable, or both.

Moreover, we have long since passed the point on the curve where "captchas
that be successfully attacked" became harder than "captchas that can be
solved by most humans".

Having worked on this problem extensively, I've found that other measures
are much more effective, predictable, stable under load, and diagnosable
-- depending on the use case, of course, and one size does not fit all.
The key, as it so often is with any anti-abuse measure, is to carefully
study one's own log files and understand (qualitatively and quantitatively)
what "normal" looks like and what "abnormal" looks like.  Lots of people
skip this analysis in their haste to deploy "solutions" and thus don't
actually understand the the nature of their problem(s).  This inevitably
results in poor outcomes.


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