The error codes seem to indicate a temporary block based on your sending 
speeds. Or possibly your IP is listed on one of the RBLs that they use. Have 
you checked it against the rbls listed on the error pages? 


> On Oct 11, 2017, at 20:12, John Cenile <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have started having issues where GoDaddy's "" servers have 
> been blocking mail from some of our IP addresses:
> host []
> SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
> 554 bizsmtp Connection
> refused. x.x.x.x is blacklisted <> 
> When trying to unblock our IP by going to, 
> all it says is "x.x.x.x is not blocked at this time", which is obviously 
> wrong. I've spent just over 2 hours on the phone to their support (we're not 
> a direct customer), and they have no idea why we're getting these bounce 
> backs, and basically said there's nothing they can do.
> Is someone from GoDaddy able to contact me to help resolve this issue? 
> There's three IP addresses that have been blocked, all three of which send a 
> total of around 150 emails per day to GoDaddy, so it definitely doesn't 
> warrant us rotating IP addresses because your system is broken.
> Thanks.
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