On 11 Oct 2017, at 20:12, John Cenile wrote:

Hi all,

We have started having issues where GoDaddy's "secureserver.net" servers
have been blocking mail from some of our IP addresses:

host smtp.secureserver.net []
SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
554 p3plibsmtp03-04.prod.phx3.secureserver.net bizsmtp Connection
refused. x.x.x.x is blacklisted <http://x.co/rblbounce>

Don't you just love when the text of a 5xx message has an URL for a pagethat is entirely unhelpful?

When trying to unblock our IP by going to https://unblock.secureserver.net/, all it says is "x.x.x.x is not blocked at this time", which is obviously wrong. I've spent just over 2 hours on the phone to their support (we're
not a direct customer), and they have no idea why we're getting these
bounce backs, and basically said there's nothing they can do.

Yeah, GoDaddy is the poster child for "You get what you pay for, *OR LESS*."

The text: "SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection" implies (depending on your MTA software) that this is text that is received instead of the usual introductory banner. i.e. I get:

# telnet 25
Connected to p3plibsmtp03-v01.prod.phx3.secureserver.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 p3plibsmtp03-02.prod.phx3.secureserver.net bizsmtp ESMTP server ready

The first message you get appears to be

554 p3plibsmtp03-04.prod.phx3.secureserver.net bizsmtp Connection refused. x.x.x.x is blacklisted <http://x.co/rblbounce>

Instead of the expected '220' line.


Is someone from GoDaddy able to contact me to help resolve this issue?

You're new here, yes?

GoDaddy has NEVER had a collegial or even sustained presence in any broadly accessible online community of email professionals. Or in any of the more selective communities I'm familiar with. They are not a competent and well-intentioned member of the Internet community. They exist and we must deal with them but they are not "us" in any meaningful sense.

I sincerely hope someone from GoDaddy stands up to dispute that. I think it is as likely as The Rapture.

There's three IP addresses that have been blocked, all three of which send a total of around 150 emails per day to GoDaddy, so it definitely doesn't
warrant us rotating IP addresses because your system is broken.

GoDaddy email being broken is like 192.* blocks having routing problems. It just IS.

You may need to "open the kimono" to get useful help here or from anyplace GoDaddy isn't present, like *ANYWHERE*. In other words:

1. Who is "us," ke-mo sah-bee?
2. What are the three slanderously besmirched IP addresses?

Content doesn't matter. You're being shunned by IP before HELO/EHLO so they seem to think that something is really evil about those IPs. Maybe they are (or were) right. Don't be shy: many of us have been there. We understand.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Currently Seeking Paying Work: https://linkedin.com/in/billcole

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