Have you tried slowing down how fast you send mail? It’s possible you’re temp 
blocked, unblocked, temp blocked, unblocked, etc... 


> On Oct 11, 2017, at 22:29, John Cenile <jcenile1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have, we've checked both MXToolbox (not listed at all, on any RBLs it 
> checks), as well as directly with Spamhaus, not listed on their 3 either.
> We've seen these messages for over 4 days now, so if it is temporary, their 
> unblock page should say that or give you the option to actually unblock the 
> IP.
>> On 12 October 2017 at 11:54, Matt Vernhout <zvernh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The error codes seem to indicate a temporary block based on your sending 
>> speeds. Or possibly your IP is listed on one of the RBLs that they use. Have 
>> you checked it against the rbls listed on the error pages? 
>> ~
>> Matt
>>> On Oct 11, 2017, at 20:12, John Cenile <jcenile1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We have started having issues where GoDaddy's "secureserver.net" servers 
>>> have been blocking mail from some of our IP addresses:
>>> addr...@domain.com
>>> host smtp.secureserver.net []
>>> SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
>>> 554 p3plibsmtp03-04.prod.phx3.secureserver.net bizsmtp Connection
>>> refused. x.x.x.x is blacklisted <http://x.co/rblbounce> 
>>> When trying to unblock our IP by going to 
>>> https://unblock.secureserver.net/, all it says is "x.x.x.x is not blocked 
>>> at this time", which is obviously wrong. I've spent just over 2 hours on 
>>> the phone to their support (we're not a direct customer), and they have no 
>>> idea why we're getting these bounce backs, and basically said there's 
>>> nothing they can do.
>>> Is someone from GoDaddy able to contact me to help resolve this issue? 
>>> There's three IP addresses that have been blocked, all three of which send 
>>> a total of around 150 emails per day to GoDaddy, so it definitely doesn't 
>>> warrant us rotating IP addresses because your system is broken.
>>> Thanks.
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