> On Nov 1, 2017, at 6:28 AM, Alexander Burch <abu...@activecampaign.com> wrote:
> What is the general opinion of the Certified Senders Alliance? Does anyone 
> find it impactful for delivery? They offered to let us join without any 
> vetting, just sent us a bill for $___ without any questions. If there is no 
> vetting process I have a hard time seeing how it would validate any sender as 
> trustworthy. 

The advice they offer is good, and if you follow it it will likely improve your 
delivery[1], regardless of whether you pay them or are added to their 
whitelist. Just like the other certification programs.

If your mail is marginal / borderline enough that it's getting blocked, but 
also marginal / borderline enough that it's stats aren't so bad and you can 
contact the ISP to have them have a postmaster put eyeballs on your mailstream, 
and they're an ISP that uses CSA data, then your being listed there might, if 
the stats are otherwise 50/50, persuade the postmaster to give you the benefit 
of the doubt. 


There are lots of other things you can do to signal the virtue of your policies 
and procedures, and buying your way into certification should be nearer the end 
of that list than the beginning.


[1] You can get advice just as good, and sometimes better, from places that 
aren't asking you to buy your way into a certification program.

-- Steve Atkins -- https://wordtothewise.com/
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