On Thu, 9 May 2019, Rob McEwen via mailop wrote:

The documents that Paul referenced in his last message - probably mentioned this somewhere - but I'll add that (in addition to the link above and doing confirmed-opt-in "COI") you should strongly encourage your customers to captcha-protect their signup forms to prevent bots from signing up spamtrap addresses.

That has been happening OFTEN in recent years - and those who don't do COI and don't captcha-protect their forms (or some equivalent only-a-human-could-have-done-this protection) - are OFTEN getting blacklisted due to spamtrap addresses sneaking into their distribution lists.

Is this deliberate enemy action or collateral damage ?
I'm finding it difficult to see why a general spam bot
would sign spam traps up to a mailing list,
so guess that I am missing something ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Cambridge, UK

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