> Il 23 ottobre 2019 08:51 Sébastien Riccio via mailop <mailop@mailop.org> ha 
> scritto:
> Hi,
> We also have a lot of trouble with mails being sent to the junk folder on 
> Microsoft hosted accounts.
> We have no problems with gmail or yahoo.
> There is no apparent reason for this, we constantly monitor our gateways IP 
> reputation, blacklists, and all is green.
> This is frustrating because it seems it's some obscure filtering occurring 
> and we have no way to understand why this is happening.
> It is really unfair competition and it's becoming a huge problem because our 
> users think we offer a bad service when we're doing everything we can to 
> offer a quality service.
> This will have to change. Do small operators need to start a petition against 
> this ?

Honestly, I think that the only possible factor that could prompt any change in 
big recipients' behaviour towards small senders (or, more generally, to any 
attitude of the global dominant tech players) starts with "European" and ends 
with "regulation". There is a lot of discussion going on in Brussels and in 
some European capitals on this matter, as this situation is really damaging for 
the European tech industry, which - differently from the American one - is 
mostly made of SMEs. I'm happy to provide details in private if you are 
interested, but complaining to your own government (the people dealing with 
Internet governance) could be a start.

Vittorio Bertola | Head of Policy & Innovation, Open-Xchange
Office @ Via Treviso 12, 10144 Torino, Italy

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