On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 12:14:02 -0800, Michael Peddemors via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>What is the position of the industry on these issues..

I am sometimes asked for our opinion on which "address verification" service
we might recommend when providing our deliverability consulting service,
usually as part of launching a new customer for our software.

If they are also hosted on our network (our "cloud" solution) I point out
that, if they intend to upload and send to a washed list, we will know about
it almost immediately, and will notify them that they have been terminated for
AUP violations.

For others ("on prem" solution), depending on my mood and the apparent
character of the customer (total babe-in-the-woods, ambitious newbie, seasoned
spammer) I tend to ask how much money they have to waste.  You are paying
someone else to burn down their IP range determining whether some finite
quantity of spamtrap addresses are valid at RCPT TO time.  One poor sod, who
gave up after a major network provider toasted their account due to Spamhaus,
SpamCop, SORBS, and other issues, noted in sorrow that he had spent close to
$5K getting to that point.  

Perhaps he can take up chinchilla ranching.

   "There will be more spam."
      -- Paul Vixie

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