Honestly, that sounds like someone else thinks that's their account...
unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying.  I have a couple friends
with common name accounts, and they get a lot of mail obviously meant for
other people.

Anyhoo, that's its own major issue that's complicated by sites with lack of
coi, of course.

In any case, I fail to see how not using unsubscribe in that case is
useful, but to each their own.


On Thu, Jan 16, 2020, 6:49 PM Mark Foster <blak...@blakjak.net> wrote:

> I couldn't help but respond to this one...
> > I'd say if it's even remotely gray mail, and not pure spam, go for the
> > unsubscribe.  On Gmail, we only provide a ui unsub link if the sender
> > reputation is ok, for example, but arguably anything from a mainstream
> esp
> > or company is fine to unsub from.  I see a lot of local companies and
> > non-profits who have bad sending practices and often go to spam that are
> > completely fine to unsub from, for example, and helps clear out the spam
> > label to make it easier to find the false positives.
> >
> > This is also informed both by the prevalence of spam (something like 90%
> > of
> > active users get a spam a week) and the effectiveness of our spam
> filters.
> > When I see other folks saying they don't get much spam, only 5 or more
> > messages a day past their filters... I can understand why they don't want
> > to get anymore.
> >
> I have a gmail account. It's used for 'some' email but not the vast
> majority - I have my own domains and MTA for that.
> But the gmail account is used for some mailing lists I use relatively
> infrequently, and I also use it for other Google services, particular the
> Calendar.
> Sure.
> The amount of spam I receive to gmail is not insignificant.
> I'm in New Zealand, yet i've somehow managed to book travel, accomodation
> and rental vehicles all across the USA.  I've somehow managed to opt-in to
> various news services in India.
> And i'm on alumni distribution lists for several education providers
> (again mostly in the USA).
> Every single one of these emails is spam to my mind, because I did not
> opt-in. I did not publically disclose my email address. I never emailed
> these organisations.
> Each one probably has a vaguely legitimate or perhaps even positive sender
> reputation (in all cases I click 'report as spam' and I get the dialogue
> that asks whether I want to unsubscribe, which I never do).
> So it's not about being grey, it really does come down to, did I opt-in in
> any way, shape or form, or not?
> That opt-in may include legitimately doing business with that
> organisation.  And if it were my commercial email address, i'd have to
> view that question in a commercial context....
> At work, unsolicited emails from vendors where _others_ in my organisation
> hold the relationship, and i've never corresponded with them - are still
> spam in my eyes.  Usually overzealous  marketing types, and usually
> corrected via our account management, along with an apology.
> But to my personal gmail account? Which I use in a very small number of
> places?  As much as a lot of spam _is_ filtered successfully, plenty more
> isn't, event legit senders frequently don't have effective double-opt-in
> and from half way around the world, finding an out-of-band way to
> report/complain/resolve the issue is almost impossible. So the
> report-as-spam button gets a bit of use.
> I still like the New Zealand legal definitions of consent, quite a bit of
> work was done to define the various types of consent and what that means.
> https://www.dia.govt.nz/Spam-Frequently-Asked-Questions#con
> Cheers
> Mark.
> > I don't believe spammers are really selling clean lists, our experience
> is
> > they email everyone they possibly can.  Maybe there are some dark gray
> > spammers who try to use various legitimate delivery techniques to curate
> > their lists and expand their inboxing, but they seem to mostly want to
> > work
> > around spam filter weaknesses instead of trying to be more legit.
> >
> > Brandon
> >
> >>
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