Dnia 17.01.2020 o godz. 15:49:27 Mark Foster via mailop pisze:
> The amount of spam I receive to gmail is not insignificant.
> I'm in New Zealand, yet i've somehow managed to book travel, accomodation
> and rental vehicles all across the USA.  I've somehow managed to opt-in to
> various news services in India.
> And i'm on alumni distribution lists for several education providers
> (again mostly in the USA).

I guess the fact that this spam originates mostly from USA has a lot to do
with the fact that USA doesn't have a data protection law like GDPR in EU.

Some years ago, when I had an email account under a different domain, I used
to receive quite a lot of American spam too, and also some Chinese and
Japanese spam. Under my current domain, however, looks like American
spammers didn't find me yet (or they are effectively filtered by RBLs).
Chinese and Japanese spam continues, but it isn't much. The majority of spam
I did receive on my current address was however marketing mailing
from my own country, from websites, companies and services I never
subscribed to. I noticed a tremendous drop in amount of those messages
once GDPR came into effect, so I can say that this law is really efficient.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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