On 08.12.20 02:02, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
> Obviously I disagree.  Thankfully SPF w/ -all allows second order
> receivers to know that I have not authorized the first order receiver to
> re-send email on behalf of my domain name.

So in that case you are against servers supporting SRS since it breaks
your idea of how email should work?

This discussion really reminds me why I never liked this broken by
design concept and never will. Yet I am forced to support it, because
the big fishes decided otherwise.

Can someone point me to statistics about how effective SPF is compared
to other antispam measures?

Spammers using phished/hacked accounts don't care. Spammers with their
own domains just add SPF records and can easily include (hacked) third
party systems?

Phishers just use mail0p.org with correct SPF records to foil targets or
just use 'From: "Example <i...@example.com>" <hac...@example.org>' since
modern MUAs decided it's a good idea to not show mail addresses anymore...

Perhaps I should just start looking into botany.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
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