Dnia 22.12.2020 o godz. 00:39:47 Rob McEwen via mailop pisze:
> and the same article FB was using (actually, a few different
> articles did this) said that Remdesivir was our BEST med for
> fighting COVID, yet the WHO recently recommended against use of
> Remdesivir due to the WHO *now* claiming that it is ineffective. My
> point? The "science" is often NOT as settled as many claim - as
> we've ESPECIALLY learn in 2020 - and so this is all the more reason

Off topic: that's exactly how science works - by constantly contradicting
it's own theories. That's the very heart of the scientific method, which
many people seem to not understand. Science is not about proving something
is true. It is usually impossible to prove that some theory is true. It can
be only considered as "probably true unless proven otherwise". What is
possible - and what science actually DOES - is to prove that some theory
that was previously considered true, is actually false. And it's doing that
over and over...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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