On 10/15/21 17:40, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:
On 10/15/21 5:37 PM, Dave Crocker via mailop wrote:
Yes, but... That's the point that is intuitively reasonable which doesn't make real sense to me, after thinking about it.

What doesn't make real sense to you?  The relation of reputation and spreading services across multiple IPs?

I'm not seeing how 'reputation' interacts for these two functions.

The motivation for spreading service IPs across different /24 prefixes is so that if (when) enough individual /32 IPs get enough negative reputation to pull down the /24 aggregate prefix, only the services in said /24 aggregate prefix would be harmed.

Put more simply, it makes snowshoe spamming harder to detect.

Jay Hennigan - j...@west.net
Network Engineering - CCIE #7880
503 897-8550 - WB6RDV
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