Dnia  2.03.2022 o godz. 10:08:48 Edgaras | SENDER via mailop pisze:
> sorry, I can't describe the stupidity and incompetence of Gmail systems
> lately without resorting to expletives. Seriously everyone, see for
> yourselves.

Google has quite a time ago gone completely crazy with regard to spam
filtering. Obviously non-spam messages being constantly classified as spam,
obvious spams being accepted. Gmail should be now considered completely
unreliable when it comes to deliverability *to* Gmail. In other words, if
you have an account at Gmail, it's a pretty random thing which messages you
get and which ones not.

I wish Gmail users start realizing this and going away from Gmail. Maybe
this would force Google to do anything about this, because until now they
seem to pretty much ignore these issues...

I know, with the scale of the mail system they have, even thousands of
misclassified messages are almost an unnoticeable fraction of the total
traffic, but allowing the mail system to grow to scale where it can no more
be precisely controlled is their biggest mistake in first place.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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