On 14.09.22 18:12, William Kern via mailop wrote:

On 9/14/2022 7:49 AM, Thomas Walter via mailop wrote:
Your users opinion may also change if they can't get that automated 'forgot my password' reset link from a service they want to use.

No, they'll contact support and tell them they don't get the password reset link which we can then whitelist.

In that case there is no one at the sender to know if it bounced (or worse, the sender may see the bounce and lock the account)

Locking an account because an email bounced is wrong for multiple reasons.

A middle ground is a tag quarantine policy.

You tag the 'probably is spam' with a subject header that they can use to put in the Client spambox. You quarantine the definately is spam.

That will cut down on the false positives and always gives them a recourse if they still got caught.

Changing the subject of an email can create issues with signed/encrypted emails. According to German law it's also illegal to change email content (let's not start a discussion on feasibility please)…

We do add X- headers for "possible spam" people can use to filter themselves, but it becomes their responsibility then.

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
Fax: +49 251 83 64 910

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