Yes, the spammers are picking up on the Hetzner networks again..
Maybe a priority abuse line is needed for those in the threat detection industry.. Of course, like all large hosting companies, the responsibility is on you for what leaves your networks.


The real players in the threat detection space have their hands full, and really don't have much incentive to supply abuse reports, it takes time and money.

Interesting question, how do you incentivize others to provide you timely information? But 20 day response times does de-incentivize others to help.

On 2023-02-07 06:39, Hetzner Blacklist via mailop wrote:
I am referring to the fact that the wording of the autoreply suggests
that Hetzner is simply passing complaints verbatim to the spammers
themselves and not dealing with it yourselves.

If we were passing them on verbatim we wouldn’t have to manually process them. The whole point is not to simply refer to our abuse form, which many people dislike (including many on here), but instead to process individual email complaints ourselves. That needs to be done manually, since we need to check what the issue is, what information is provided, and figure out what we can pass on to our client. That takes time.

As for the spammers comment, you know that the vast majority of spam leaving our network is from compromised servers. Most spam complaints we get are for legitimate clients. There are spammers who try to sign up with us, but those that get through and start spamming don't last very long.

We deal with this by giving our client a chance to resolve the issue. If they don't, then we take action. Blocking servers for a single abuse complaint without first informing our client about a potential issue is not something that a reliable hosting partner would do.

 > And I think the bigger issue is one of resourcing. If Hetzner is now
 > processing all abuse reports manually,

Uff, that would be rough. Please note that individual email complaints does not mean all abuse reports.

For the sake of completeness: we get lots of automated abuse complaints that are processed automatically. If we’re only talking spam, then think of the complaints from blacklists (like Spamhaus, SpamCop, SORBS, 0Spam, or EGP), FBLs (mostly from Validity and SPFBL), and companies (like Netcraft, clean-mx, and many more).

These are dealt with in a timely manner, and a quick look at the blacklists that show data for entire networks/companies will show that we take spam seriously.
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