Dňa 24. marca 2023 13:23:04 UTC používateľ Bill Cole via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>I would not interpret a rejection as being due to DMARC unless the error 
>message specifically cited it

This will not always to happen...

Eg. with exim+rspamd, where DMARC rejection is done (suggested)
by rspamd, it is hard to return appropriate reject message. While it
is possible (i do that), by default it is not supported and requires
some "tricks" on both sides...

When i ask about getting message from rspamd on exim's IRC, i got
response: "do you want to contribute to SPAM improvements?" (by
detailed error message). I do not remember if that response was
from exim's devs or from someone other, but that was all...


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