On 21.11.2023 at 13:26 Yiorgos [George] Adamopoulos via mailop wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 1:57 PM Ralf Hildebrandt via mailop 
> <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
>> 421-4.7.28 Gmail has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail. To
>> protect
>> 421-4.7.28 our users from spam, mail has been temporarily rate
>> limited. Please
>> 421-4.7.28 visit
>> 421-4.7.28
>> https://support.google.com/mail/?p=UnsolicitedRateLimitError to
>> 421 4.7.28 review our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines.
>> s8-20020adfea88000000b0032fba209e8esi6123538wrm.543 - gsmtp (in reply
>> to end of DATA command)

> As I wrote in another thread we see the same error for email sent to us from 
> Amazon's Vendor Central to our Google Workspace email addresses. As such we 
> cannot even use postmaster tools or whatever to figure out what goes wrong 
> (we are neither Google, nor Amazon), only share the pain here with a +1.  
> This has been noticeably happening to us since November 19.

Chances are Google postmaster tools wouldn't help you anyway. They show 
statistics like: Delivery error rate 71,0% due to rate limit crossed and 0,0% 
spam reports. Google does not provide feedback loop data either (they do not 
send out individual reports at all and the aggregate data is constantly 0,0% 
for all domains I have ever seen).

BR Oliver

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