> On 11.12.2023 at 12:11 Kirill Miazine via mailop wrote:
> Also, Domeneshop confirmed they operate spam.fail as internal list and
> that they indeed have blacklisted Hetzner ranges because "lack of abuse
> handling":
> <quote>
> The IP belongs to Hetzner which have a full lack of abuse handling.
> A broad range of IP addresses within the block the IP address you are
> requesting about s constantly being abused to spam and scam campaigns,
> and Hetzner does nothing about it.
> </quote>
> Their MX, their rules...

While it‘s nice that they replied, their answer doesn’t really show any will to 
solve the problem. In this regard it’s comparable to the meaningless 
boilerplates you receive from Microsoft and the likes.

And to add a rant to that: I don’t have much sympathy for operators that are 
trying to use their control over a MTA or DNSBL as some kind of extortion tool 
or to put forward their own vendettas. Even if there are a lot of addresses in 
that netblock that are sending spam, Domeneshop now officially knows that at 
least one IP address does not (Kirills). It would be trivial to exclude it from 
their blocking, yet they apparently decided to continue to blacklist the 
server, to punish innocent bystanders, to prevent their own users from getting 
legitimate messages which they are waiting for and to generate false positives 
on full purpose. All this to push forward their own agenda in trying to force 
another service provider to act in a way Domeneshop sees as appropriate.
For a private email server, I‘m all with „their MX, their rules“, but for a 
company that offers mail services to customers I expect a little more 

BR Oliver

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