On 13.03.2024 at 18:25 Kai Bojens via mailop wrote:

> On 2024-03-13 00:09, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop wrote:
>> Given that the advice for SMTP is often to allow tls 1.0 and 1.1,
>> rather than have it revert to unencrypted, this will is something to
>> watch out for.

> TLS 1.0/1.1 have been deprecated in March 2021 (RFC 8996). Systems that
> are unable to use TLS 1.2/1.3 had not been updated for at least 8-10
> years. I don't see why I should accept mails from these hosts. In fact
> since we stopped accepting TLS 1.0/1.1 we have also reduced the number
> of spam delivery attempts as these hosts are almost always on of these
> old and never updated hosts …

The majority of messages which we receive over TLS 1.0 or 1.1 is not spam. 
Actually TLS 1.1 has a smaller share than 1.0, it seems most systems that 
support 1.1 also support 1.2.

I can't really tell from the outside why those systems are using old TLS 
versions, some possible reasons might be:
- expired maintenance so they cannot update their appliance
- software that is written in programming languages which do not natively 
support TLS 1.2 like Java 6
- or most probably because they are located in parts of the world where they 
have other problems than the TLS version in use.
In fact most of those messages do not originate from sources in Western Europe 
or North America. If we disable TLS 1.0 those messages will be transmitted in 
clear text or not at all instead of securely encrypted. Precisely from a 
security perspective this would be a disservice to our users.

BR Oliver

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