Am 17.03.24 um 04:23 schrieb Jarland Donnell via mailop:
I'm gonna be "that guy" though for a minute.

If there are any IPv6 only mail servers, they are hobbyists trying to prove a point. There are a ton of IPv4 only mail servers. In short, there is no benefit to sending mail over IPv6 beyond the ideological preference some people have for feeling like they're ushering in the future. A future they've been predicting would arrive any day now for well over a decade.

Well I might suppose I'm one of those. My personal web/mail server does IPv6 (not exclusively though), and I've been trying to usher in the future by setting up at least dual stack on my home DSL connection (that at least works now after years of IPv6 routing issues with my previous home DSL and no way of contacting tech-savvy support there) and in our company (where I set up an IPv6 tunnel which worked until the tunnel provider closed shop).

I do believe that mail and network admins at organizations of any size should make themselves knowledgeable and gain experience with IPv6 networking. Instead I see massive inertia and ignorance, and that's sad.

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